In the heart of Africa, where the sun meets the earth, a story of empowerment, unity, and cultural preservation unfolds. This is the story of, a beacon of hope for African Jews across the continent. Founded on the principles of love, community, and resilience, our organization seeks to uplift and unite African Jews, supporting their needs and ensuring their … Read More
ZimAliyah for Unity: Bridging Art and Philanthropy Through NFTs
Introduction We are thrilled to announce the launch of “ZimAliyah for Unity,” a unique NFT (Non-Fungible Token) collection by Zimbabwean-Israeli artist Simcha-Chaya Ben Avraham. This collection is not just an artistic endeavor; it’s a philanthropic initiative aimed at supporting the mission of ‘For Our African Jews.’ The Artist: Simcha-Chaya Ben Avraham Simcha-Chaya is a Zimbabwean artist who embraced Judaism and … Read More
A Sister’s Legacy: The Launch of ‘For Our African Jews’
It is with a mix of profound sorrow and indomitable hope that we announce the launch of ‘For Our African Jews’, a non-profit organization dedicated to uniting African Jews from different countries and cultures and supporting their needs. This initiative is the brainchild of Simcha-Chaya Ben Avraham, a woman whose dedication to her cultural heritage and religious practices is only … Read More